Category: Distributed Systems

Ma(R)s Project Kick-Off Meeting

We’re thrilled to introduce the Ma(R)s Project – Memory-as-a-(Reconfigurable) Service (Ma(R)S), a collaborative effort between Algolysis Ltd and the University of Cyprus under the PhD in Industry framework. Ma(R)s aims to develop an innovative web-based platform offering distributed shared memory for real-time, latency-efficient, data and consistency-driven distributed applications. Project Highlights: Ma(R)s focuses on developing Distributed […]

Charisma project kick-off meeting

It was a pleasure to host and coordinate the Kick-Off Meeting of our new project CHARISMA with an exceptional team of individuals and friends from the CMMI-Cyprus Marine Institute and CYENS Center of Excellence. The press release announcement of the kick-off follows: The kick-off meeting of the CHARISMA project (Coordination of Heterogeneous UVs for Maritime Surveillance […]